Mission and Vision

Vision for a Sustainable Planet

Our vision is to reduce plastic use in households and throughout our environment. We aspire to a greener world with oceans free of plastic.

Mission to End the Plastic Era

Our mission is to replace plastics in households with sustainable and natural alternatives and to spread awareness about these options among all people.
We aim to be a part of nature, which is why the materials we use are compostable and recyclable. To minimize our carbon footprint, we strive to choose local suppliers.
With every step we take, we keep in mind the goal of leaving a cleaner, more sustainable planet for future generations.

Values with Deeper Meaning

Relationships - We constantly strive to meet the needs of our employees, customers, and partners. We value the building of long-term, friendly, sustainable, and equitable relationships.
Work Environment - We've created a working environment where everyone feels at home. We're a close-knit BajaBee family.
Information - We regard the information we send out to the world as incredibly valuable. Our goal is to provide people with relevant and accurate information that can be put into practice to help shift the world towards sustainability.

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