Wrap a snack without unnecessary waste
Did you know that we have 190 days in school desks? That's hundreds of used microfiber bags, cling wraps, and napkins just for preparing snacks. Replace microfiber bags and meters of cling wrap with BajaBee beeswax bags and wraps. They will serve you throughout the school year.
For 365 Uses
Beeswax wraps keep snacks fresh and soft even for the next day. They are an ecological alternative to disposable packaging and last up to 365 uses. No more sticky napkins and heaps of plastic waste. Your schoolchild will be proud of their snack in BajaBee.
If you are looking for inspiration for snacks for your little ones, we have prepared a few simple recipes.
Wrap with Cream Cheese, Ham, and Vegetables
How about changing the type of bread and preparing a whole grain wrap for the kids? You can fill it with whatever your schoolchildren like. We choose cream cheese spread, high-percentage ham, and a portion of vegetables, which we cleverly hide in the wrap. Just roll the wrap and pack it. It wraps well in beeswax wraps size M, but also in M-sized beeswax bags.
Whole Grain Baguette with Dried Ham, Mozzarella, and Arugula
Using whole grain bread creates a slightly healthier snack. Our proven combination is a whole grain baguette, which we spread with butter, top with dried ham, mozzarella, and arugula. Pack cherry tomatoes in a box and a tasty, protein-rich snack is ready
Oat Squares with Berries
Dough: 100g oat flakes, 50g spelt flour, 60g apple puree, cinnamon, honey
Filling: frozen berries, cornstarch, honey
Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl and make the dough, which you divide in half. Press the first half onto a smaller baking sheet and prepare the filling. Put the frozen fruit into a pot, cover with boiling water, and wait for the fruit to melt and some water to evaporate. Finally, mix cornstarch with a little water and add to the fruit, which will then thicken. Sweeten with honey if needed. Pour the filling onto the baking sheet and press the second half of the dough on top. Sprinkle with peeled almonds and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. When the dough cools down, cut it into squares and wrap in beeswax bags.
You can also wrap pieces of vegetables in beeswax wraps, keeping them crunchy. Don't your little ones want to snack on vegetables? Try camouflaging them in carrot or beetroot spread. Carrot muffins or zucchini cake are also popular.
Team BajaBee.