How to compost effectively? We will advise you on what you should know about composting.

How to compost effectively? We will advise you on what you should know about composting.

The effort to get rid of organic waste in the household sounds really tempting. No more throwing into regular waste or burning in the garden, which bothers everyone around. No wonder composting is becoming a bigger and bigger hit. However, initial enthusiasm in many cases is quickly replaced by disappointment if your compost does not perform as expected. Therefore, in our article today, we have prepared several tips to help you in effective garden composting. We believe that with their help you will identify your mistakes and move forward. Can you compost in an apartment? You can find the answer in this article.

1 ) Organic residues do not represent all the waste you have in the kitchen

Perhaps the most common mistake is confusing compost with regular waste. Meat, fish, dairy products and, last but not least, products of human activity (plastics, glass, ...) do not belong in the compost. In many sources, you will read that you can put droppings in the compost. Of course, it's true, but this item means droppings exclusively of herbivorous animals. The droppings of domestic pets in the form of dogs and cats definitely do not belong in the compost. Did you know that you can also compost wax wraps? Cut them into small pieces and throw them into the composter. Microorganisms and earthworms will take care of them.

How to compost

2) Ensure your composter has contact with the ground

Today we have many suggestions on how to add the necessary dose of microorganisms to the compost, which will do the necessary work. However, the most effective way is still to ensure that the composter has contact with the ground, which is a natural source of soil microorganisms. If you have a composter in your apartment, earthworms will take care of food waste.

3) Also take care of the amount of waste you put in the compost

Everyone who has already started composting knows this. Some weeks we simply have more waste than others. It is ideal if you rely on compostable bags. Place excess waste in them and gradually put it into the compost. You can also use various compost accelerators, which contain the right mix of useful microorganisms.

4) Think about the suitable location for the composter

In this point, it does not apply that you place the composter where you currently have space. Stick to at least two basic points. The composter should not be located near water and certainly should not be exposed to direct sun all day.

Where to place the composter

Don't be put off by composting. It's a great way to keep your waste under control and create something useful at the same time. In conclusion, we have a small tip for you - the smaller the waste particles you put in the composter, the faster the whole process will proceed.

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